Here you'll find answers to questions regarding Bidrento & WebLock integration

How to sign up for Bidrento WebLock integration?

       Prior to activation of the service a contract needs to be signed between the hotel and Valnes AS. Please contact

How to connect WebLock with Bidrento for the first time?

    - Contact Bidrento and ask integrate with Valnes WebLock ( On request Bidrento will send us Access Token. 

    - Please specify e-mail address from which your guests will get the mail from. For example: "YOUR HOTEL <>".

    - Please specify to which e-mail you would like to receive e-mail blind copy (bcc). This can be used by personnel to verify if the mail was sent.

    - Based on the domain we generate e-mail DKIM records that we send to you so your e-mail service provider can add these to DNS records. This is required for WebLock to send mails from your domain.

    - Please specify e-mail subject.

    - Please specify e-mail body. Following info can be tagged into the body: Guests name, room number, pin-code.

    - How many digits does a pin-code generated by WebLock need to have. Most of our customers use 4 digit codes, some use 5 or 6 digit codes.

    - Please specify if there are optional bookable services like storage, bike parking, etc. On WebLock side these must be mapped so in case tenant orders extra services then the access will be automatically added to their credentials.

    - How many hours prior should the e-mail be sent to the guest/tenant?

    - If you want the pin-code to be sent to guest via SMS in addition to e-mail, a separate agreement is in order. In case if SMS needed, we also need input for SMS sender name (limit 11 characters) and SMS body (limit 140 characters). Please keep in mind that if guest name is included in SMS, the amount of characters in SMS body will vary which is reserved to guests name.  

Specific functionality of the integration:

    Bidrento integration service creates pin-codes in WebLock cloud-based access control. Hotel can choose how many hours prior the credentials will be sent to guest/tenant. The pin-code will be generated for the room at the confirmation time but not sent out before x hours before check-in time. For example if a guest books 1 week ahead then the guest will not get the code immediately but for example 48 hours prior check-in time. NOTE: If guest receives the code 48 hours prior, code is not active. Code is generated with start and end time and will work only in that window. When code is generated, the code is displayed in WebLock cloud console in "Cards" view.


    - Internal mapping of rooms is done by Valnes team before proceeding with activation. 

Extra features (optional):

   - Intercom. When tenancy is active in Bidrento, tenant phone number is added to intercom. When apartment number is dialed from intercom, tenant will receive a phone call to their phone. When pressing keytone no. 2, building entry door will be opened. Requires 2N IP Verso door phone with keypad and abonent VOIP number.

   - Calling. When tenancy is active, tenant's phone number will be added to the gate. When tenant calls gate phone number, access is checked and gate is opened. When tenancy is not active, response for the call is "no access".

   - Utility metering: WebLock pulls from BMS (Fidelix) metering data and posts it to Bidrento.

   - SMS: In addition to sending pin-codes via e-mail, hotel can choose to send the code with SMS also. 

For activation of extra features, please constact

What are the limitations of the integration?

    - Rooms mapping with Bidrento and WebLock needs to be done before the automatic pin-code generation feature can be used.

How to disconnect the apps?

    To cancel the service please contact


    The access code is unique to each room reservation. Guest's code will work on all doors where guest needs to have access.

    WebLock supports WebLock hardware and we're open to integrate 3rd party hardware. Please contact

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